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引き続 き、Trust Services Principles, Criteria and Illustrations for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy (Including WebTrust® and SysTrust®)の勝手訳です。今回は処理の完全性の原則と基準の表の基準2.0,2.1です。

Criteria 2.0
Communications: The entity communicates its documented system processing integrity policies to authorized users.
基準 2.0

Criteria 2.1
基準 2.1
The entity has prepared an objective description of the system and its boundaries and communicated such description to authorized users.
If the system is an e-commerce system, additional information provided on its Web-site includes, but may not be limited to, the following matters:

a. Descriptive information about the nature of the goods or services that will be provided, including, where appropriate:
a. 提供される製品またはサービスの性質についての適切な場所を含む記述情報
  • Condition of goods (meaning, whether they are new, used, or reconditioned).
  • 商品の状態(新品か中古か修理品かといった意味の)
  • Description of services (or service contract).
  • サービスの記述(またはサービスの契約)
  • Sources of information (meaning, where it was obtained and how it was compiled).
  • 情報源(どこで獲得され、どのように編集されたか)
b. The terms and conditions by which it conducts its e-commerce transactions including, but not limited to, the following matters:
b. 以下の項目を含む(が限定されない)Eコマース取引の処理による諸条件
  • Time frame for completion of transactions (transaction means fulfillment of orders where goods are being sold and delivery of service where a service is being provided).
  • 取引完了のための時間枠(取引とは、品物が売られサービスが提供されようとしている場合やサービスが供給された場合の注文の履行を意味する。)
  • Time frame and process for informing customers of exceptions to normal processing of orders or service requests.
  • 通常の注文やサービス要求プロセスに対する例外の顧客への伝達の時間枠とプロセス
  • Normal method of delivery of goods or services, including customer options, where applicable.
  • 顧客のオプションを含む通常の商品やサービスの提供手法(該当する場合)
  • Payment terms, including customer options, if any.
  • 顧客オプションを含む支払い期間(もしあれば)
  • Electronic settlement practices and related charges to customers.
  • 電子決済の実施および関連する顧客への課金
  • How customers may cancel recurring charges, if any.
  • 顧客が定期的な課金をキャンセルする方法(もしあれば)
  • Product return policies and limited liability, where applicable.
  • 返品ポリシーと責任の限定(該当する場合)
c. Where customers can obtain warranty, repair service, and support related to the goods and services purchased on its Web site.
c. 顧客はどこで保証や修理サービス、ウェブサイトで購入した商品やサービスに関するサポートを獲得できるか
d. Procedures for resolution of issues regarding processing integrity. These may relate to any part of a customer’s e-commerce transaction, including complaints related to the quality of services and products, accuracy, completeness, and the consequences for failure to resolve such complaints.
d. 処理の完全性に関する事象の解決手順。これらは、サービスや製品の品質に関する苦情や正確性、完全性、それらの苦情の解決の失敗の成り行きを含み、顧客のEコマース取引のいずれかの部分に関連する。

Illustrative Controls

For its e-commerce system, the entity has posted a system description including the elements set out in criterion 2.1 on its Web site.
[For an example of a system description and additional disclosures for an e-commerce system, refer to Appendix A (paragraph .42).]

For its non–e-commerce system, the entity has provided a system description to authorized users. [For an example of a system description for a non–e-commerce based system, refer to Appendix B (paragraph .43).]

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