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引き続 き、Trust Services Principles, Criteria and Illustrations for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy (Including WebTrust® and SysTrust®)の勝手訳です。今回は処理の完全性の原則と基準の表の基準2.2です。

Criteria 2.2

基準 2.2
The processing integrity and related security obligations of users and the entity’s processing integrity and related security commitments to users are communicated
to authorized users.


Illustrative Controls

The entity’s processing integrity and related security commitments and required processing integrity and related security obligations of its customers and other external users are posted on the entity’s Web site and/or as part of the entity’s standard services agreement.
For its internal users (employees and contractors), the entity’s policies relating to processing integrity and security are reviewed with new employees and contractors as part of their orientation, and the key elements of the policies and their impact on the employee are discussed. New employees must sign a statement signifying that
they have read, understand, and will follow these policies. Each year, as part of their performance review, employees must reconfirm their understanding of and compliance with the entity’s processing integrity and security policies. Obligations of contractors are detailed in their contract.

内 部ユーザー(従業員、請負業者)のために、処理の完全性とセキュリティのポリシーは新規の従業員と業務委託者の導入の一環として確認され、ポリシーの重要 な要素とそれらの従業員への影響は話し合われる。新規の従業員はこれらのポリシーを読了し、理解し、従うことを証しした書面に署名する。毎年、業績評価の一環として、従業員はポリシーの理解と遵守を確認する。請負業者の義務は、その契約書に詳述される。
A security awareness program has been implemented to communicate the entity’s processing integrity and related security policies to employees.
The entity publishes its IT security policies on its corporate intranet.

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