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引き続 き、Trust Services Principles, Criteria and Illustrations for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy (Including WebTrust® and SysTrust®)の勝手訳です。今回は可用性の原則と基準の表の基準3.0、3.1(上)です。 

Criteria 3.0
Procedures: The entity uses procedures to achieve its documented system availability objectives in accordance with its defined policies.
基準 3.0

Criteria 3.1
Procedures exist to protect the system against potential risks (for example, environmental risks, natural disasters, labor disputes, and routine operational errors and omissions) that might disrupt system operations and impair system availability.
基準 3.1
システムの操作を混乱させたりシステムの可用性を損なうかもしれない潜在的リスク(例えば、環境リスク、天災、労働争 議、日常の操作ミスや怠慢)からシステムを守る手順が存在する。

Illustrative Controls
A risk assessment is prepared and reviewed on a regular basis or when a significant change occurs in either the internal or external physical environment. Threats such as fire, flood, dust, power failure, excessive heat and humidity, and labor problems have been considered.
リスクアセスメントが準備され定 期的または内部または外部両方の物理環境に重要な変更が発生した際に確認される。火災、洪水、ほこり、電源障害、過度の暑さと湿度、労働問題の脅威が考慮 される。

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